Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Storyboard Blog: Our Commercial

For this portion of our commercial project, my group members and I story boarded and completely finalized everything from shots to sound. Our commercial includes sounds like a voiceover and music. The commercial will include a beginning establishing shot of McDonald’s and then cut to a medium close up of the children walking out of McDonald’s to the outdoor seating area. That shot will consist of dialogue between the girls on what they want to be when they grow up.  The girls will then be filmed from eye level, getting their orders taken but the waiter. Next, there is going to be a cutaway to the mother, who will be filmed at a close up, who tells the waiter what they want and, featuring an over the shoulder shot, the waiter will respond back. After that, the commercial will transition to a spilt screen and begin fairly playing the Barbie “You Can Be Anything” jingle. While the screen is still split and the music is still playing, the left side will have a point of view shot of one of the girls while the right side is a trunk shot from inside of the Happy Meal box. During this scene, the girls are also talking to each other and saying that they received the matching toy to their future careers stated at the beginning of the commercial. Finally, the camera will zoom out on the family and fade into the McDonald sign along with the “I’m lovin it” jingle and the words “You Can Be Anything”. Overall, our commercial will feature the traditional conventions that a Happy Meal commercial is made up of. The toys, the box, and the theme will be include all through the commercial. The storyboard process for this project was a good way to summarize what my blogs have been explaining. The story boarding process lays out a whole outline on the schedule/process for ur project. The one thing I wish I could include is indoor. However, this commercial will probably give a new perspective on how Happy Meal commercials are shot and edited.

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