Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog For Happy Meal Commercial

As stated in my previous blog, McDonalds has developed new ways to advertise their famous Happy Meals. Our Happy Meal commercial is going to be similar to the new ones in the way it is formatted and features a theme based on the toy given out. The theme this time of year through October 14, 2019 is Barbie and Hot Wheels which are both branches of the company Mattel. In this commercial, we will focus on the "You Can be Anything" aspect of Barbie. Three out of the four of us working on this project will be playing the parts of the children at McDonalds talking and receiving Happy Meals. The other person is going to act like the cashier/worker at McDonalds.

In order to create this commercial at school, we will need to use various Mis en Scene subjects so the audience knows what's going on. As props, we will include the famous red Happy Meal box with the golden smile and arches. Inside of the box, there will be the food boxes, the sides, the drink, and of course the toy. For costuming, the worker will wear all black and the other three of us will be dressed as young children who just came from school, included in our costume will be our school backpacks. As for the schedule, we will first set up around the front of the school to show that the kids are leaving and heading to McDonalds. Then the cameras will follow us for a few seconds and then cut to McDonalds which will be filmed on senior patio to show an outdoor seating area. Next the camera will become a trunk shot and show the faces of the kids when they open their boxes as they take out their toys and reveal what barbie toy they recieved.

In my introductory blog I stated that I do go to Fort Lauderdale High School in South Florida. With South Florida, weather can be unpredictable. If there is a case where it starts to rain, we would move the McDonalds scene to either the media center or the cafeteria if we are allowed. If not we will do the same that we would do with the introduction scene; move it under shelter. Also, If one of our members decides they can't be there, we will learn each others parts and switch roles.

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