For the past four days, our school district has been on lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the closing of schools, we haven't had the chance to meet with our teachers and use the proper equipment to film our movies. This pandemic has not only set us back but has set multiple television productions back as well. For example, the cast of HBO's Euphoria had just started reading through their scripts as a group. However, they made an announcement days later saying that filming will be paused until it is safe for the cast and crew to be around one another. For us, we are going to be out of school for a month which means we don't have our AICE Media Studies class until after the due date our teacher has set for our movies. We are left without resources such as cameras, tripods, and SD cards. Also, many students have all of their movies backed up on a laptop that can't be recovered from the school. Due to this, we haven't been able to reshoot what we received criticism on in our peer reviews. Another issue we have is not being able to be around each other. A lot of people are confined to their homes in fear of catching and spreading COVID-19. Through all of this, my group has been lucky. We edit on my laptop because we are familiar with the software. All of our edits made so far are saved on it. We also have good quality cameras on our phones so we can use them to film along with a tripod from home. Lastly, we have made a few dates to get together and film and edit as a group. We also need to do our creative critical reflection. For this we are doing a talk show style video. This is meant to analyze our video and recognize how we made the film. Below is a picture of us filming. In this scene the sound was a bit off so we are re-filming this scene tomorrow.
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